Book Club

Nowadays there are a lot of problems happening in Cambodia. After the civil war and International war for many decades Cambodians got suffered again and again. The resources for all kinds are destroyed tremendously. The neighbor countries are insisting to invade very often.
One thing we cannot put up our country because we do not have enough human resources. In order to help the country we are trying our best to build up the culture of reading for Cambodian students through creating BOOK CLUB. Firstly, it was a club named Research to share club. We transfer from that club into Book Club. We do not have money to buy the books for our members. So what we can do is to bring the books from home. To continue the reading we raise the money weekly form member to buy the books. Furthermore, we try to find the donors to help us. Actually, even thought, Book Club is created in American Corner but we do not use any money package of American Corner.

We will do our best to extend the place and get more people to read for getting knowledge. Then we are able to develop our country.

Thanks to very one to give us times to do it.

American Corner Book Club BTB
To see the Cambodian people stay with books. 
-          To enhance to general knowledge for readers.
-          To enrich the English Language for Club members.
-          To build the culture of reading books for Cambodian students.
-          To extend the knowledge through communication.
Objective Statement
Develop students’ English skills and general knowledge (speaking, reading, listening and      writing)
through reading, workshop, discussion, and team study.
We have never seen only one staff working in an institution and achieving the big goal of a large corporation. People need joining force to discuss, share, help as ideas and materials, and accomplish the goal.

Structure of Book Club

Mr. Kim Peseth, Board of President

Mr. Yoeuth Sopheak, President
Club’s President
Mr. Huon Sen, Vice President
Club’s Vice President

Miss. Sok Rachana, Vice President

Miss. Sem Chan Thorn, Assistant
President’s Assistant
















Policy of American Corner English Book BTB
1.      English is used to converse, discuss, give presentation—communicate                while joining in club.
2.      Khmer is native language, so it does not need to improve Khmer speaking.
3.      A few of Khmer language may be translated, if necessary.
4.      Khmer language can be translated when there is a translation program.
5.      Meeting is in Khmer Language if it is possible.
6.  Any sorts of interested students whether UME or non-UME students (students from high school or other educational institutions) may be eligible as members.



-          Alumni—former leaders who have ever experienced in leading                       English Club, Debating Club in previous generations, or American Corner Director are encouraged to help leading the next generation.


-          Alumni—former leaders who have ever experienced in leading                       English Club, Debating Club in previous generations.
-          Leader will be changed very one month.


-          Students who need their English language to be improved and want to enrich their knowledge through reading may be eligible for membership.
-          All leader and members can donate the money or the books to survive the club. 
7.      Students may be absent, if compulsory, 2 times a week. In each absence, students have to inform his/her leaders or senior leaders in advance or during the club, if emergency. 
8.      Students who break the rule above are facing the punishment, if serious, firing.
9.      There are 60 hours for one term, so the members are allowed to be absent like:
-          20/60 for reasonable absence
-          15/60 for unreasonable absence.

10.  During a meeting, students have to be brave and active to share their ideas.
Or they can raise some questions during question and answer program.
11.  All members are required to present the books they already read to other members.
12.   Every 2nd week of every month during the course is the bi-monthly meeting for only leaders.
13.   At the end of every month during the course is the monthly meeting for all members and leaders.
14.   Everyone has to join the meeting, if not so, he/she will face the problem.

15.   Every member and leader has to join, and discuss in certain workshop.
16.   Participation in the workshop is needed.

17.  Free Internet Training.
18.  Free Online searching.
19.  Free Teaching Methodology course.
20.  Free Leadership skills in club leading.
21.  Educational Exchange in United States of America.
22.  Free card for borrowing books in Khmer or English.
23.  Certificate recognized by US Embassy and the University of Management and Economics.