Natural Resource Management

Natural Resource Management

Natural Resource Management including Fisheries and Foresty Management address basic and applied questions about fish and wildlife ecology, habitat use, conservation, production, harvest, and interactions with people, on scales ranging from individual organisms to ecosystems. Students develop and employ original approaches in quantitative analysis, experimental design, field studies, modeling and genetic techniques
Who is it for?

This degree is for you if you:

• Wish to manage and reserve the balance of ecology system and socio-economic development.

• This degree may suit you if you are interested in a career in  management and conservation the emphasis on aquatic ecosystems and food webs, life history and ecology of important sport and commercial fishes, population and community dynamics, and theory and practice of fisheries management and conservation.

• It will also be useful if you want to go on to pursue further training in management and corporate disciplines.

Feature of the degree:

This degree provides an opportunity for critical and theoretical study, particularly in natural resource development. You will receive an intellectually demanding, broad preparation for fishery and forestry management and preservation.

• The degree will be relevant to your experiences and local environment, but will also give you a knowledge and understanding about the role of fish in aquatic ecosystems, fish biology, fish ecology, fisheries management and conservation.

• The aim of the range of units available is to look analytically and critically at fish food processing and timber utilization in construction industries.